How to Make Your Own UPS in Pakistan

In the time of long hours of Electric Load Shedding, you can have need of an affordable power supply solution. If you are up to the task of constructing your own UPS, following are some principle points for making an UPS. Here I will tell you to make “Standby Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)”.
Standby UPS are very inexpensive and easy to make. In this type of UPS you will need following components:
  1. A Charger
  2. A Battery
  3. An Inverter
  4. A Switch
  5. Cables
The ratings of these equipments may vary as of your requirements. So we are not mentioning it here. You may choose according to your needs.
You will connect above mentioned components in following order as given in following One Line Diagram of a Stand By or Off Line UPS.
Give power to your Battery from AC Input through your Charger. Make connections according to Diagram. Switch will make connection to Battery through Inverter when power goes off. And your essential equipments continuously gets power. In this type of UPS, AC supply converts to DC through Charger and then stored DC supply turned to AC through Inverter.

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